International 税
跨国公司和那些考虑向海外扩张的公司面临着越来越多的国际税务规划和合规挑战. 要跟上不断变化的监管几乎是不可能的, legislative and tax requirements.
LBMC可以帮助您的公司减轻国际税务负担并满足财务报告要求. 明升体育app下载国际税务专家团队跟踪全球市场的所有最新发展,以便我们可以让您遵守并制定战略计划. Multinational businesses in real estate investment, distribution and manufacturing, 技术和许多其他领域可以求助于我们经验丰富的团队.
Supporting International Expansion
LBMC为从事国际活动的个人和企业提供全面的国际合规和咨询服务, with a focus on German-speaking countries. Our team ensures that the appropriate U.S. 考虑与司法管辖区之间的相互作用有关的税务问题.
International 税 Planning and 合规 服务 include:
- Preparation of U.S. tax returns, including U.S. 与外国金融账户利益相关的合规性, 公司, partnerships and trusts
- 合规是指通过国税局的程序使纳税人及时了解他们的税务申报情况
- Pre-immigration tax planning
- Capital gains tax calculations on potential disposal of assets
- Advice on the implications of expatriating (renouncing of U.S. citizenship/permanent resident status)
- Year-round assistance and tax planning guidance, including effective utilization of foreign tax credits, maximizing benefits from international tax treaties, minimizing withholding obligations, 等.
The Foreign-Derived Intangible Income Deduction
这项被称为《明升体育app下载》(TCJA)的法律给美国经济带来了翻天覆地的变化.S. international tax system, with an array of revenue generating provisions (read, tax increases) and tax incentives. 在后一类中,突出的是外国无形收入(“FDII”)扣除. These rules are designed to incentivize U.S. C 公司 to export goods and services and make the U.S. 税收制度相对于全球其他税收制度更具竞争力. 希望的结果是企业增加在美国的存在.S. 通过创造就业机会、回流和/或发展智力资本.
Conceptually, the tax incentive is straight forward—U.S. 公司可以从符合条件的收入中获得特别扣除, 怎样才能将这笔收入的有效税率从21%降至13%.125%. For a business generating $500k in qualifying income, U.S. federal tax savings of almost $40k would be recognized. Not surprisingly, 然而, 财政部关于计算特别扣除的最终规定几乎有300页长. The devil is, indeed, in the detail.
LBMC的国际税务专家在帮助客户最大化FDII扣除额方面经验丰富. 我们严格的流程从确保所有符合条件的交易都被识别(可能包括与关联方的交易)开始。, 然后计算这些交易的税收利润, 扣除公司有形资产的假设回报. It is an involved set of calculations, 但如果国税局进行审计,明升体育app下载分析是可以理解和支持的. 请明升体育app下载,如果你想确保这一税收优惠是最大限度地为您的业务.
利息费用国内国际销售公司,或 IC-DISC,为符合条件的美国公民提供永久的减税机会.S. 出口商. An IC-DISC is not a tax shelter. 这是税法专门提供的一种激励.S. 通过减少对美国的出口,提高出口商的全球竞争能力.S. tax liabilities. 它是一个纸面实体,完全是为了实现出口税节约而设计的.
好处 of an IC-DISC
- Creates permanent tax savings on the export sales commission
- Increases liquidity for shareholders or businesses
- Supplies ongoing financing to reduce cost of capital
- 为继承或遗产规划创建一个税收优惠的工具
- Eliminates double taxation for C-Corporations and defers taxes
LBMC的方法旨在最大限度地减少客户的归档和维护负担,同时最大限度地节省佣金和税收. 明升体育app下载IC-DISC团队每年评估所有佣金选择, 包括执行详细的逐个事务分析. 选择最佳方法并进行详细的年度分析将确保最大限度地节省成本.
We Speak Your Language
For foreign-based businesses, 我们知道,当你的当地商业顾问不会说你的语言或不了解你的文化时,这是多么令人沮丧和低效. 与外国母公司及其外部审计师打交道需要广泛的国际会计和审计准则知识, as well as cultural sensitivity.
LBMC拥有在四大会计师事务所和跨国公司工作的国际会计经验. For US-based companies expanding into overseas markets, 这一经验意味着我们可以巧妙地帮助您应对复杂的监管要求和微妙的文化规范.